All participants involved: students, teachers, and parents, will focus all efforts on student learning with an emphasis on increasing your level of academic achievement.

  • The teacher’s job is to provide the information to you, your job is to understand it, use it, and apply it.

Students are active participants in the learning process and will work to the best of their abilities.


  • If your best is not giving you the grade you want, seek out help. Try new methods of studying, and completing work until you get different results.

  • Be persistent in your pursuit of reaching the target goals. This means doing everything in your power to earn the grade that reflects the best of your ability.

  • Be willing to ask questions when you have them. Do not wait until after a summative to say you did not understand.

Learning is not confined to the time inside the classroom. You may be required, or need, to work outside of class time and school time.

  • Studying and completing homework is important to your success as a student.

  • This means you may need to complete more work than someone else to reach the expectation of the power standard. “Fair isn’t always equal”

  • You will be expected to earn a 2.5 on all power standards, in every class.

  • If you take responsibility in your learning you are less likely to find yourself in tutoring or recovery.

For each power standard: You need to be able to communicate:

  • Where you are in relationship to meeting the expectation

  • What you’ve accomplished for the current power standard and for the whole course.

  • What you need to complete the standard

  • How you will achieve the grade that represents the best of your ability

To address questions about a class or a power standard use the following line of communication:

  • Student → Teacher / Parent →Teacher / Conference with Parent, Teacher and Principal

Intervention/Enrichment Flowchart